Wednesday, 9 December 2015

English language challenges

Resultado de imagen para english language wallpaperThe semester is ending just like this course, it's incredible how fast these months had passed!
I really can say I enjoyed this subject due to I like learning lenguages. I think that learning a second lenguage -or third, if it is your case- is an important and basic need in this globalized world. If you refuse to learn another lenguage is like if you're denying to learn to speak. That's why I choose to take this course. Any opportunity to improve my abilities in english I will take it without second thoughts.
Also I found interesting the experience of writting in this weekly blog. Even when the topics were given, the fact that you had to write down your thoughts and opiinios in the theme was a small break of the science side that my career has. I like science, but I also like writting and working in this blog was really nice.
Although I learn new things during this course like idioms and new vocabulary, I am aware that my pronunciation is not good and my speaking fluency is very low.I need to practice; maybe an exchange program would help me to improve?
In my daily life I use english continuosly: when I'm listening to a song, reading a book or article, if a turist ask for directios, watching a tv series or movie, even if they are in a different lenguage I always can use english subtitles. English is a lenguage that you can't run away from, but I don't have the intentions of do it anyway.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Reflections of the year.

The year is ending, and there's a few things to remember. 
Resultado de imagen para thoughtsThis was my first university year; I met new people and I left my comfort zone. I've never been a socialble person but since I didn't know nobody here I had to open myself to others. This year I also tasted the bitter taste of failure: I failed a course (and maybe I'm failing another one. We'll see in a month). Sometimes I miss school where everything was easy and failure wasn't even in my vocabulary, but there's a brightside: when you fall you learn to get up and now the class I failed is the one I have my best grades. I really hope that everything in life works that way, because that would mean that  we'd always archive our objetives, no matter how difficult it seems.
I really feel this year past by too fast and at the same time too slow, I mean after two weeks of starting the classes I felt that we have know each other for a very long time, but I also felt that time flew. I can't belive the year is almost over! I really have the impession that just a few months have passed since the year started. perhaps I have this feeling due I haven't made a lot of memories. This year was really uneventful for me.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

How green are you?

Chile is not the best country to live for enviromentalists; they can have the values and the initiative to do good things for the environment, but the country doesn't give them the facilities to carry out the activities they want to do, i.e. you easily can separate the trash but then you have nowhere to throw it.
In Chile, even when you can find propaganda like prefer a bike over a car or use reusable bags over the plastic ones, there's still a long way to become a green country
For me, well, you can say there's always been a kind of concern in this aspect; I always worry about the waste of water, I prefer walk insted of using any car and so on. Maybe some people could say I'm into taking care of the environment since I was a little girl,but I feel that my incentives were others. When I was a little girl it made me sad that the water went all the way to my sink and I didn't even use it and I always prefer walk because I like to see everything aroud me. With the years I started to learn about the importance of recycling and reducing the carbon footprint wich gave me a real reason to continue with these actions. 

Monday, 23 November 2015

Non academic activities at the university

In university there is a lot of different activities you can do, there's so much of them that I don't know all of them, I always discovered something new, but the main activities are the sport ones. 
There were a few activities that really atractted my atention, like photografy or even archery, but either my schedule impided me to take them or I just was bad in them, so I thought in about take basketball. I'm not a fan of this sport, but I think is more enjoyable that the others options I had. The only problem was that I totally forgot the date when I had to thake it! Well, it will be for the next year.

I notice that people who play a sport are really into them, they always want to play a match, they know the namesof the  profesional players and watch the competitions. Maybe this is the reason the sport activities are the most popular; the fanatics always take charge of  spread the word about how great the sport they like is the best. I can enjoy a match, but I can't like a sport that much. I'm not really into them.

 I'm waiting for next year to see what activity I'm going to take.

Monday, 16 November 2015

My favourite photo.

I really like photography. I like take photos of people and landscape, but I don't like those photos where people pose for them. I like to capture the moment and see the real expression of the people in the picture; see how they really feel. Maybe it is because I like honesty.
Even when I like taking pictures, I don't really like take pictures of myself, neither that other people take one of me, but I can see the beauty of a photo of people I don't know or photos of people I know but even before I was born.
There's a photo that I really like: my mom is carrying my older brother when he was just a baby; they are in the zoo watching the giraffes, but you can´t see the animals, you only can see the expresions of amazement they have while they're raising their heads. That photo was taken by my dad in the other side of the grille. There is something in the expression of my mom and brother that I really like. It is like a calm feeling. For me it's one of those photos you can see everyday without getting tired of it.

Monday, 9 November 2015

My Future Job

When I was in school I was good in the courses I wasn´t very interested in and the classes I really enjoyed, well, I was mediocre. The only courses I liked and was good in were langueges, but I didn't know what to do if I studied something relate to them. But, since I was still in school, I didn't think about this stuff that much.
The problem was that in my last year in high school I still didn't decide what to do with my life so I took an apointment with the collegue prep course counselor. Just then, in november of last year I discovered the career i'm coursing right now: Renewable Resources. This career stand out to me because it has a lot of field trips, and honestly, working everyday in a office is a living nightmare for me. Also, the enviroment is something in which I've been interested since I was a llitle girl and this was the main topic of this engineering. Those were the reason I choose the career.
I want to travel, that's for sure, and I think studying this career will provide the opportunities to do it, even when I still don't know exactly what my future job will be. I have a few years to figure it out.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Environmental Policies

When I think about enviromental policies, I can't help comparing Chile with other countries and how behind we are in things like waste management, environmental conservation, and so on. For example, in Japan it is against the law not to recycle; you have to separate trash in plastics, cans and paper, but in Chile just a few people are concerned about its importance. We just keep adding trash in the mountain of garbage we already have and do not try to reduce it.
Another aspect that our country doesn't worry enough about, is the control of  the residential and industrial area increase. Maybe it is because the government prioritize the profits that any industry can bring to the country over the benefits that a good legislation can bring to the environment and society.
If we just sit and think the only ones that would lose with the implementantion and a correct monitoring of the law compliance are the industries, and yes, the country income would -for certain- be reduced, but Chile could overcome this decrease of income investing in new activities that would come with the environmental conservation, such as ecoturism. This way we could be an economy in harmony with nature.

Monday, 26 October 2015


I like movies, I like to go to the cinema or watch them on TV at home. I think movies are a great way to learn and have a good time. I always enjoy fantasy films; they take you out of your reality for a couple of hours. Another type of film I like are historical movies, maybe because my dad watched them everyday -and sometimes I joined him in those movie evenings- made me enjoy a good one. Lately I've started enjoying science fiction; watching how people see their futures is really interesting, like what happened to "Back to the Future II", the year 2015 they show us is not what it looks today, but it shows the dreams of the last century.
I never think of the country when I pick a movie nor the directors, nor the actors, I only pay attention to the storyline. The latest films that I have really enjoyed were 'How to Train your Dragon II' and 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'. These movies always make me feel something; I'm not sure exactly what it is, but the last time I watched Walter Mitty made me had an existential crisis!

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

My best holidays.

Me as a little girl in front of Llanquehue lake
It has been a while since the last time I had a proper trip on holidays, but I remember  that in the summer of 2003 I travelled with my family to the south of Chile for 2 weeks. My parents rent a cottage that looked out over the Llanquihue lake; we just had to cross the road and we were there! During that time we visited all  the beautiful places which we were close to. We did treks in national parks; we visited the Villarica volcano and found the biggest ant we had ever seen. We not only went to the tourist spots, but we also visited every corner we could, every shop, church, eating in small restaurants and spent time with the people we just had met and simply got lost. Although it rained almost everday, we only stayed in the cottage at night, rain doesn´t kill anyone!
All the landscapes I saw that summer made me realize how much I loved nature and how I wanted to be surrounded by such beauty every day.

Monday, 28 September 2015

A country I'd like to visit.

I always have loved nature, That´s a part of me. Since I remember I 've watched tv shows about it so I could learn about other environments. By doing this I discovered so many places and - before I noticed- cultures. I fell in love with China. Its nature, its culture and its language were something so different from where I am from that my curiosity made me watch and read all I could about it. When I was 15 years old I joined the Mandarin club in my high school. In that little classroom I learnt so many things about the big and ancient country where this language is from.This and my love for nature gave me an aim in my life: go to China and visit every place I watched in those tv shows and, why not, go to a nature reserve and hug one of those baby pandas that just a few people have been close to.