Monday, 26 October 2015


I like movies, I like to go to the cinema or watch them on TV at home. I think movies are a great way to learn and have a good time. I always enjoy fantasy films; they take you out of your reality for a couple of hours. Another type of film I like are historical movies, maybe because my dad watched them everyday -and sometimes I joined him in those movie evenings- made me enjoy a good one. Lately I've started enjoying science fiction; watching how people see their futures is really interesting, like what happened to "Back to the Future II", the year 2015 they show us is not what it looks today, but it shows the dreams of the last century.
I never think of the country when I pick a movie nor the directors, nor the actors, I only pay attention to the storyline. The latest films that I have really enjoyed were 'How to Train your Dragon II' and 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'. These movies always make me feel something; I'm not sure exactly what it is, but the last time I watched Walter Mitty made me had an existential crisis!

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