Monday, 7 December 2015

Reflections of the year.

The year is ending, and there's a few things to remember. 
Resultado de imagen para thoughtsThis was my first university year; I met new people and I left my comfort zone. I've never been a socialble person but since I didn't know nobody here I had to open myself to others. This year I also tasted the bitter taste of failure: I failed a course (and maybe I'm failing another one. We'll see in a month). Sometimes I miss school where everything was easy and failure wasn't even in my vocabulary, but there's a brightside: when you fall you learn to get up and now the class I failed is the one I have my best grades. I really hope that everything in life works that way, because that would mean that  we'd always archive our objetives, no matter how difficult it seems.
I really feel this year past by too fast and at the same time too slow, I mean after two weeks of starting the classes I felt that we have know each other for a very long time, but I also felt that time flew. I can't belive the year is almost over! I really have the impession that just a few months have passed since the year started. perhaps I have this feeling due I haven't made a lot of memories. This year was really uneventful for me.

1 comment:

  1. The first year at university it's great! you met a lot of new friends and you have a lot of time to waste. But second year it's hard; almost all my friends decided to leave the career in order to study something else ):
    I'm so glad that you are having good grades at the subject you failed that shows your perseverance! I hope you don't failed another subject; I know you can make it!
    Regards, Evelyn.
