Wednesday, 9 December 2015

English language challenges

Resultado de imagen para english language wallpaperThe semester is ending just like this course, it's incredible how fast these months had passed!
I really can say I enjoyed this subject due to I like learning lenguages. I think that learning a second lenguage -or third, if it is your case- is an important and basic need in this globalized world. If you refuse to learn another lenguage is like if you're denying to learn to speak. That's why I choose to take this course. Any opportunity to improve my abilities in english I will take it without second thoughts.
Also I found interesting the experience of writting in this weekly blog. Even when the topics were given, the fact that you had to write down your thoughts and opiinios in the theme was a small break of the science side that my career has. I like science, but I also like writting and working in this blog was really nice.
Although I learn new things during this course like idioms and new vocabulary, I am aware that my pronunciation is not good and my speaking fluency is very low.I need to practice; maybe an exchange program would help me to improve?
In my daily life I use english continuosly: when I'm listening to a song, reading a book or article, if a turist ask for directios, watching a tv series or movie, even if they are in a different lenguage I always can use english subtitles. English is a lenguage that you can't run away from, but I don't have the intentions of do it anyway.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Reflections of the year.

The year is ending, and there's a few things to remember. 
Resultado de imagen para thoughtsThis was my first university year; I met new people and I left my comfort zone. I've never been a socialble person but since I didn't know nobody here I had to open myself to others. This year I also tasted the bitter taste of failure: I failed a course (and maybe I'm failing another one. We'll see in a month). Sometimes I miss school where everything was easy and failure wasn't even in my vocabulary, but there's a brightside: when you fall you learn to get up and now the class I failed is the one I have my best grades. I really hope that everything in life works that way, because that would mean that  we'd always archive our objetives, no matter how difficult it seems.
I really feel this year past by too fast and at the same time too slow, I mean after two weeks of starting the classes I felt that we have know each other for a very long time, but I also felt that time flew. I can't belive the year is almost over! I really have the impession that just a few months have passed since the year started. perhaps I have this feeling due I haven't made a lot of memories. This year was really uneventful for me.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

How green are you?

Chile is not the best country to live for enviromentalists; they can have the values and the initiative to do good things for the environment, but the country doesn't give them the facilities to carry out the activities they want to do, i.e. you easily can separate the trash but then you have nowhere to throw it.
In Chile, even when you can find propaganda like prefer a bike over a car or use reusable bags over the plastic ones, there's still a long way to become a green country
For me, well, you can say there's always been a kind of concern in this aspect; I always worry about the waste of water, I prefer walk insted of using any car and so on. Maybe some people could say I'm into taking care of the environment since I was a little girl,but I feel that my incentives were others. When I was a little girl it made me sad that the water went all the way to my sink and I didn't even use it and I always prefer walk because I like to see everything aroud me. With the years I started to learn about the importance of recycling and reducing the carbon footprint wich gave me a real reason to continue with these actions.